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Novel in Nine - Spring Session
Welcome to Novel in Nine
Welcome to Novel in Nine!
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Recommended Books on Writing
If you have a novel-in-progress, read this
April, Weeks 1 & 2: Finding Your What-if, and Beginning with Character
Before We Begin
Week 1 Lesson & Assignment: Situation and Story
Week 1 Video (3:03)
Download: The Big Questions Worksheet
Download: Week 1 Checklist
25 Quick Writing Prompts
Week 2: Understanding Your Protagonist
Week 2 Video - Revealing Your Character (8:45)
Download - Checklist Weeks 2-3
Week 3
Week 3 Protagonist, Part 2: Obstacles & Influences
Week 3 Video (2:19)
Writing background: How much should you include? (video) (6:49)
Week 4
Week 4: Urgency & Change (Video) (5:49)
Week 4: How to find your novel's urgency
Week 4 Process: Do you need special novel writing software? (Video) (7:10)
Weeks 5 & 6
Week 5: Setting your novel in time and place (Video) (9:29)
Week 5: Setting - Giving your reader a place to land
Checklist: Weeks 4 & 5
One-month cheers and check-in (0:47)
Week 6: Down the Rabbit Hole and Out Again: Enlivening Your Novel with Research
Week 6 Video: Research (9:17)
Week 7 & 8: Point of View and Scene Construction
Week 7: What You Need to Know about Point of View
Week 7: Whose story is it? Zeroing in on Point of View (Video) (8:56)
Week 7: How to handle multiple points of view (video) (18:12)
Checklist, Weeks 6 - 7
Week 8: How to write a scene
Week 8: Showing up on the days you don't feel inspired (video) (5:39)
Week 9
Week 9: The Secret Structure
Week 9 Download: Plot Balance Worksheet
Week 9 Video:: Organizing your novel with Scrivener (15:31)
Download: Checklist Weeks 8-9
May Word Count Check-in
Week 10
Week 10: Constructing Scenes & Chapters
Week 10: What You Need to Know About Scenes and Chapters (video) (16:39)
Week 11
Week 11: 17 Essential Scenes (Video) (2:24)
Week 11 Download: Foundational Scene List
Download: Weeks 10 & 11 Checklist
Week 11 Download: Scene Type List
Week 12
Week 12: Close Connections & Emotional Intimacy (Primary Positive Relationship)
Encouragement: Give yourself 30 minutes
Week 13
Week 13: Fun with Subplots
Week 13 Video: Subplot (3:18)
Download: Weeks 12 & 13 Checklist
Week 14
Week 14: The Art of the Sentence
More Writing Prompts for Days When You Feel Stuck
Where do you write? (video) (7:06)
June Word Count Check-in
Week 15
Week 15: Tell Me More (Really)
Week 15 Video: Why You Have to Show AND Tell (18:42)
Download: Checklist, Weeks 16-17
Week 16
Week 16: Finding Your Novel's Ideal Pace
Week 16 Video - Pacing (5:34)
Download: Checklist Weeks 14-15
Week 17
Week 17 Video - Patterning & Pacing (7:46)
Week 17: Establishing Narrative Patterns
Week 18
Week 18: Taking Stock
Halfway Point Cheers & Check-in (Video) (1:33)
Download: Week 18 Progress Report Checklist
Halfway Point: Your Questions
Week 19
Get them talking
How to Write Great Dialogue (Video) (7:45)
Download: Weeks 19-20 Checklist
Week 20
Week 20: Understanding Your Antagonist
Not Your Usual Bad Guy - Dispelling Myths About Antagonists (7:46)
Weeks 21 & 22
Week 21: Plot by the Numbers (11:40)
Week 21: Download: Plot by the Numbers PDF
Week 22: What are you trying to say? Notes on Theme
Week 22: Notes on Theme Audio Version
More notes on theme (video) (13:10)
August Word Count Check-in
Week 23
Week 23: Notes on Process: Discovering your narrative map
Week 23, Discovering Your Narrative Map, Audio Version
Week 24
week 24: The Art of Description and Suggestion
Week 24: What makes a significant detail? (video) (8:45)
Week 25
Week 25: The Art of Suspense: Planting Many Seeds
Week 25: Beyond the Nail-Biter: Developing Suspense in Any Genre (video) (12:05)
Download: Suspense Check Worksheet
Week 26
Week 26: The power of vulnerability in writing
Finding Inspiration Where You Are: Writing While Traveling & at Home (video) (6:07)
September Word Count Check-in
Week 27
Week 27: "Sudden & Consequential:" The Novel's Most Important Scene
Advice on Writing the Climax (Video) (5:32)
Week 28
Week 28; Chapter Length, Where You're Headed, & More
How to handle background (video) (6:49)
Week 29
Week 29: A Sense of an Ending
Week 29: What Your Ending Should Do (video) (6:56)
Week 29: Further Reading on Endings
Week 30
Week 30 Video: Fleshing Out Skeletal Scenes (7:38)
Week 30: Deepening Scenes
Week 31
Week 31: A Model Climax for Study, and the Denouement
How much character background should you include? (video) (6:49)
October Word Count Check-In
Week 32
Week 32 Assignment: The Final Chapter
Week 32: Notes on Genre (Video) (12:48)
Weeks 33 & 34
Week 33: Genre-Bending: Writing the Cross-Genre Novel
Week 34: Crafting the Unforgettable Title
Week 34 Video: Words of Encouragement, plus Notes on Titles (10:38)
Week 35
The Reward of Exhaustion: Next Steps for Revision
How I Revise (Video) (13:51)
November Word Count Check-in
Week 36
Week 35: Addition, Subtraction, & Stages of Revision
Inside My Revision Process (Video) (19:03)
Week 37
Sentence by Sentence Revision
Revising for Point of View (Video) (13:00)
Week 38
Video: How I Found An Agent & Got Published (A Long Story) (26:52)
Week 39
Finding and Working with a Literary Agent (11:50)
Literary Agent Query Worksheet
A Literary Agent on the Subject of Publishing Trends
Manuscript Basics (Download)
Week 40
Working on more than one project at a time (video) (8:17)
Parting Thoughts
Au revoir....our last video (10:37)
Before you go...
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Week 22: What are you trying to say? Notes on Theme
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