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The Art of Plot: How to Plot and Structure Your Novel
Introduction and Resources
VIDEO: Best Books for Writers (5:30) (5:50)
VIDEO: Generating Ideas for Novels & Stories (11:49)
Recommended Reading - Articles & Essays
A note on copyright and the course workbook
Week 1: Plotting from Chapter 1
Lesson 1:Plotting from Chapter 1
Lesson 2: VIDEO: What Your First Chapter Must Do (9:19)
Lesson 3: VIDEO: Reading like a writer: The Talented Mr. Ripley (15:31)
Lesson 4: A Few Great Novel Beginnings
Download: Novel Planning Worksheets
Assignment 1
Week One Discussion
Week 2 (plus week 3 early access) : Identifying Your Plot Type, + Plot by the Numbers
Lesson 5: Cause & Effect
Lesson 6: Three Kinds of Plot
Lesson 7: The Balance of Plot
Lesson 8: VIDEO: Plot by the Numbers (11:40)
Plot by the Numbers PDF - Download
Lesson 9: VIDEO: Reading like a writer: Plot twists & shifts in The Talented Mr. Ripley, Chapters 7-12 (3:37)
Assignment 2
Week 2 Discussion
WEEK 3 - Lesson 10: Shaping Scenes & Chapters
WEEK 3 - Lesson 11: VIDEO: Everything You Need to Know About Scenes and Chapters (16:40) (16:39)
WEEK 3 - Lesson 12: Building Your Scene List
WEEK 3 - Lesson 13: What Are the Essential Elements of a Good Plot?
WEEK 3 - Lesson 14: What Novelists Can Learn from Narrative Nonfiction
WEEK 3 - Assignment
WEEK 3 - Foundational Scene List (Download)
Week 3: Shaping Scenes & Chapters
Week 3 Discussion
Week 4: The Art of Suspense
Lesson 15: The Art of Suspense
Lesson 16: VIDEO: Creating Suspense in Literary and Genre Fiction (12:05)
Lesson 17: Practical Tips: Editing for Suspense
Download: Suspense Check Worksheet
Assignment 4
Week 4 Discussion
Week 5: Pacing and Subplot
Lesson 18: VIDEO: Secrets of Pacing - How to Compress & Expand Time (3:30)
Lesson 19: Patterning, Pacing, and Subplot
Lesson 20: VIDEO: Identifying Your Subplot (4:28)
Lesson 22: Managing Parallel Plots
Assignment 5
Week 5 Discussion
Week 6: Making an Awesome Story Chart, & Screenwriting Principles for Novelists
Lesson 24: Plotting with a Story Chart
Lesson 23: VIDEO: How to Create a Story Chart (9:51)
Lesson 25: Screenwriting Principles for Novelists
Assignment 6
Week 6 Discussion
Story Chart (Download)
Week 7 - The Magic 85%: Writing the Novel's Climax
Lesson 26: Secrets of Structure: The Magic 85%
Lesson 27: Writing Your Novel's Climax (5:26)
Lesson 28: A Model Climax & Notes on Denouement
Assignment 7
Week 7 Discussion
Week 8: Writing the Ending
Lesson 23: Bringing It All Together Without Tying It up Too Neatly
Lesson 24: The Art of the Ending (Video) (6:56)
Week 8 Assignment
Further Reading on Endings
Notes on Research (Video) (9:17)
Week 8 Discussion
Winter Writing Reboot is now live
Week 9: Revising for Publication
Lesson 25: The Art of Revision
Lesson 26: VIDEO: Inside the Revision Process (19:03)
Lesson 27: AUDIO: First Draft vs. Final Draft (AUDIO)
Lesson 28: Independent or Traditional Publishing: Which is right for you? (14:34)
Revision Assignment
Week 9 Discussion
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Onward! (4:07)
Workbook: The Art of Plot
Your thoughts, Certificate of Completion, and Next Steps
Before You Go
Your Certificate of Completion, and Next Steps
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Week 6 Discussion
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